Rotarian Extraordinaire Paul Schissler kicked off our club's monthly Service Above Self Stories. Paul shared some of his life story with us in his inimitable and dynamic style. He truly has been the embodiment of service and dedication! We are grateful to know you and work alongside you, Paul! (We also enjoyed the thoughtful and expertly created and delivered slideshow!)
We welcome Howard Holmes II to our upcoming meeting on Tuesday, September 12 as guest speaker at our inaugural Chelsea's Next Generation speaker series.
the Ann Arbor Marathon is putting on their race to E-Race the Stigma on Mental Health. The event is solely dedicated to mental health organizations. Sunday, October 1st is the race, and the day before, Saturday, September 30th, is the symposium- and we will have a booth. Jen James, from West Bloomfield, will be a speaker.
See attached form for sign ups, as well as information. We are most excited that our Rotoaract team from U of M, will help out at our table to pass out Gatorade and water on Sunday, October 1st with our high school students. If you know of high school students that would like to participate, please have them sign up. I have copied Jen James, from the West Bloomfield Rotary, who is coordinating- if you have questions. And I am always available.